القائمة الرئيسية


Atlético Madrid VS Real Madrid

 Atlético Madrid VS Real Madrid

Date : 24.09.2023 🔥 🔥

Time of tunisia 20:00 🕔🕔

Live Match :

 Atlético Madrid VS Real Madrid

In the opening La Liga capital derby of the year, Atletico Madrid will take on Real Madrid on Sunday night.

Real Madrid have had a fantastic start to the new season, even while Diego Simeone's hosts have already gone through a wide spectrum of emotions at this early point of the year. Their last two league results—a 7-0 triumph quickly followed by a 3-0 loss—best demonstrate this.

In the middle of the week, both clubs returned to Champions League play, and they ended up on opposite ends of late, decisive goals. The night before Jude Bellingham, a much more frequent scorer, secured victory against Union Berlin with his sixth goal in as many games, Lazio's goalkeeper Ivan Provedel saved a draw against Atletico.

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